DataKolektiv is an open learning community dedicated to Data Science
and Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and AI in Belgrade,
Devsify is the name of our Data Science program
spanning everything from zero-knowledge cold start in R and Python for
Data Science to advanced topics in Machine Learning and AI.
All educational programs here are run by Goran S.
Milovanovic (hopefully) with help from numerous friends, colleagues,
and other members of the Data community in Belgrade, Serbia: see MACHINERY.

Navigation Tips
The Sessions menu contains lecture materials. It
covers a progression through topics in R or Python programming,
probability theory, information theory, and mathematical statistics,
advancing to complex models and approaches in machine learning.
Labs are topics already covered under Sessions, but
when they require additional focus, they are given a lab.
Notes are created during sessions and most often
consist of reminders, commented code snippets, and similar small actions
that aid learning and recollection.
The Video section contains the complete YouTube
playlist of the introductory course in R programming, conducted by Goran
at the Startit Center in Belgrade (in Serbian).
The Resources section provides an extremely useful
overview of online learning materials, courses, books, and open datasets
to explore and experiment with.
About is about the Devsify idea, our philosophy, and
the rules of this game.
Media contains a selection of Goran’s talks,
workshops, interviews, etc., but over time it will evolve into an
archive of our collective work in this learning community, becoming less
and less about him.
Contact: goran.milovanovic@datakolektiv.com
Data Kolektiv, 2004, Belgrade.