The complete playlist of the course Introduction to the R Programming Language that I conducted in collaboration with Startit.

  • The course is accompanied by code on the following GitHub pages: Introduction to R Programming for Data Analysis.

  • Link to the YouTube playlist: Introduction to the R Programming Language

  • In this course, I focus more on the basics of R programming rather than analytics and modeling; in various versions, I conducted this course voluntarily in collaboration with Startit, and it was attended by dozens of participants interested in starting careers in Data Analytics and Data Science.

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 1

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 2

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 3

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 4

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 5

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 6

Introduction to the R Programming Language - Lesson 7



Data Kolektiv, 2004, Belgrade.