Session 02: Installing R packages, I/O + a deep dive into the data.frame class

What do we want to do today?

Data Science is, well, all about data. But data lives somewhere. Where? How do we find them? In this session we will learn about the basic I/O (Input/Output) operations in R: how to load the disk stored data written in various formats in R, and how to store them back. We will learn that sometimes it makes no difference if the dataset lives on the Internet or on our local hard drives. We will learn to perform the basic I/O operations in base R before we start meeting the friendly tidyverse packages - readr, for example - that provide improved and somewhat more comfortable to work with procedures. We will learn more about the data.frame in R: what is subsetting and is it done, how to summarize a dataset represented by a data.frame in R, how to bind dataframes together. We continue to play with lists too and start learning about simple operations on strings in base R.

0. Prerequisits.

  • Create a directory named _data in the directory where you want to store your R code for this session.
  • Go to the Inside Airbnb page and download the listings.csv csv file (under the Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands section). Let’s learn something right now: .csv is short for comma separated values and represents one the most frequently observed file formats used in practice. The entries in this file are separated by commas: hence the name. The csv format has many close relatives, of which tsv - tab separated values - is probably the most famous one.
  • Open the listings.csv file in Microsoft Excel or Libre Calc and save it using the same filename but as an .xlsx file in your _data directory.

1. Read data + inspect a data frame + store data

Again, everything happens in a directory somewhere. You really need to keep the organization of your directories neat!

Remember, when we work in R, there is always something called a working directory. I know you have opened and R session in RStudio: ask yourself “Where am I?”:

## [1] "/Users/goransm/Work/___DataKolektiv/__freeDataKolektiv/_devsify"
##   [1] "_data"                                    "_devsify.Rproj"                          
##   [3] "_site"                                    "_site.yml"                               
##   [5] "01_think_together_dkserver.png"           "02_explore_possibilities_dkserver.png"   
##   [7] "03_training_dkserver.png"                 "04_wikidata_dkserver.png"                
##   [9] "about.html"                               "about.Rmd"                               
##  [11] "academic.png"                             "AdvAnalyticsR2024_Banner.jpeg"           
##  [13] "aleksandar_cvetkovic_introMLpython.jpg"   "aleksandar_cvetkovic_introMLpython.png"  
##  [15] "AleksandarNarancic175.png"                "AleksandarPanovski175.png"               
##  [17] "analysttraining.png"                      "businesstraining.png"                    
##  [19] "DataScienceSessions.jpg"                  "devsify_DK_logo.png"                     
##  [21] "devsify_GSM500px__Banner.png"             "DK_Logo_100.png"                         
##  [23] "DK_Logo_400.png"                          "DK_logo_horizontal.png"                  
##  [25] "DK_Logo_White_150.png"                    "DK_Logo_White_NoTitle_25.png"            
##  [27] "dkmlconfpalic2023.png"                    "dkserver_consulting.jpg"                 
##  [29] "dkserver_courses_CustomRTraining.jpg"     "dkserver_courses_DSSV1.jpg"              
##  [31] "dkserver_courses_IntroDataManagement.jpg" "dkserver_courses.jpg"                    
##  [33] "dkserver_wikidata.jpg"                    "DSCEurope2021.png"                       
##  [35] "dscEurope2022_BDTTechTutorial.png"        "DSCEurope2022_panel.png"                 
##  [37] "dsceurope2023.png"                        "dss_vol05_python2023_500px.png"          
##  [39] "DSS_Vol06_Py_Banner_OPENED_02.png"        "dss03python2023_banner500px.png"         
##  [41] "dss04python2023_banner500px.png"          "DSS05_2023_srb.png"                      
##  [43] "dsss2022_courses.jpg"                     "dsss2022_header.jpg"                     
##  [45] "dssvol06_py_banner.jpeg"                  "eRum2018.png"                            
##  [47] "eRum2020.png"                             "favicon.png"                             
##  [49] "filipinterviewInstitutZaFiziku.jpg"       "footer.html"                             
##  [51] "foundationaltraining.png"                 "freeDK_Expectations.png"                 
##  [53] "freeDK_Organization.png"                  "freeDK_Program.png"                      
##  [55] "freeDK_Rules.png"                         "freeDK_TechStack.png"                    
##  [57] "Full_GPT_architecture.png"                "github.png"                              
##  [59] "goran_milovanovic_introMLpython.jpg"      "goran_milovanovic_introMLpython.png"     
##  [61] "GSM_Krakow2024_invert.jpg"                "GSM_Krakow2024.jpg"                      
##  [63] "gsm_round_175px.png"                      "Hallucination_CronenbergStereo.png"      
##  [65] "header.html"                              "HeikeThomys175px.jpg"                    
##  [67] "HipkonLajt2020.png"                       "igf_identifying_the_impact.png"          
##  [69] "IlijaLazarevic175px.jpg"                  "index.html"                              
##  [71] "index.Rmd"                                "InspiraHub2023Meetup.png"                
##  [73] "instagram.png"                            "IntroMLPython_Head_eng.png"              
##  [75] "IntroMLPython_Head.png"                   "JelisavetaMilovanovic175px.jpeg"         
##  [77] "l01_lists.html"                           "l01_lists.Rmd"                           
##  [79] "linkedin.png"                             "Logo-2C-21px-TM.png"                     
##  [81] "machinery.png"                            "media.html"                              
##  [83] "media.Rmd"                                "MilanoR2019.png"                         
##  [85] "MilicaDjurkovic175px.jpg"                 "MilovanMinic175px.jpeg"                  
##  [87] "MilovanovicVreme.jpg"                     "MLSS03_ConvexFunctions.png"              
##  [89] "MLSS03_NeuralNetwork.png"                 "MLSS03_WebPage_Notebook_Banner.png"      
##  [91] "MLSS03_WebPageBanner.png"                 "n00_installations.html"                  
##  [93] "n00_installations.Rmd"                    "n00_intro_session.html"                  
##  [95] "n00_intro_session.html.R"                 "n00_intro_session.R"                     
##  [97] "n00_intro_session.txt.R"                  "n01_intro_session.R"                     
##  [99] "n01_introR_session.R"                     "NedaRadibratovic175px.jpg"               
## [101] "Netokracija2023.png"                      "NetokracijaIntervju2023.png"             
## [103] "PE_banner_2024.png"                       "PE_GeneralBanner.png"                    
## [105] "PE_GeneralBanner02_web.png"               "PE_GeneralBanner02.png"                  
## [107] "PE_GeneralBannerDecember2023.png"         "PE_sep2023.png"                          
## [109] "prerequisites.html"                       "prerequisites.nb.html"                   
## [111] "prerequisites.Rmd"                        "RadmilaVelickovic175px.png"              
## [113] "RadovanSimikic175px.jpg"                  "regression_mle.png"                      
## [115] "renv"                                     "renv.lock"                               
## [117] "resources.html"                           "resources.Rmd"                           
## [119] "Rlogo.png"                                "s00_installations.html"                  
## [121] "s00_installations.Rmd"                    "S01_01_Functions.jpeg"                   
## [123] "S01_02_Arrays_and_Lists.jpeg"             "s01_introduction_to_r_files"             
## [125] "s01_introduction_to_r.html"               "s01_introduction_to_r.nb.html"           
## [127] "s01_introduction_to_r.Rmd"                "S02_01_DataFrames.jpeg"                  
## [129] "s02_dataframe.Rmd"                        "S03_01_FunctionalProgramming.jpeg"       
## [131] "s03_functional.Rmd"                       "S04_01_RProgramming.jpeg"                
## [133] "S07_01_ProbabilityFunctions.jpeg"         "S17_01_ROC.jpeg"                         
## [135] "S17_02_LikelihoodFunction.jpeg"           "S21_01_RandomForest.jpeg"                
## [137] "S22_01_Bias-Variance_Tradeoff.jpeg"       "session00_logos.png"                     
## [139] "site_libs"                                "sitelinks1.jpg"                          
## [141] "sitelinks2.jpg"                           "sitelinks3.jpg"                          
## [143] "sitelinks4.jpg"                           "skc_kahneman_delfi_2015.jpg"             
## [145] "startit_add_dsss2022_800.jpeg"            "StartitMeetup2016_InfRetreival.png"      
## [147] "StartitMeetup2016.png"                    "talasAI.png"                             
## [149] "twitter.png"                              "undp_machinery2023.jpg"                  
## [151] "UvodR_startit_banner.jpg"                 "video.Rmd"                               
## [153] "VladimirMijatovic175px.jpg"               "wd_thinkpad_official.png"                
## [155] "webit2023.jpeg"                           "WikidataCon2019.png"                     
## [157] "WikidataCon2021.png"                      "wikimediablog2018.jpg"

Ok, so I do have a _data directory in my working directory. Let’s pronounce the _data directory in R:

rootDir <- getwd()
dataDir <- paste0(rootDir, '/_data/')
analyticsDir <- paste0(rootDir, "/_analytics/")
## [1] "_listings"              "listings_selection.csv" "listings.csv"          
## [4] "listings.xlsx"

^^ And here is the listings.csv file. It represents the Airbnb summary information and metrics for listings in Amsterdam. We will use it to practice our data frame skills in R.

We want to read listings.csv to R and make it a data.frame. This is how we do it:

filename <- paste0(dataDir, "listings.csv")
listings <- read.csv(file = filename,
                     header = TRUE,
                     check.names = FALSE,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

What has just happened:

  • read.csv is an R function to read csv files from disk (or Internet, as we will see later) into the RAM memory of your machine which is put to R’s availability;
  • the file argument is the complete path to the file in your local filesystem;
  • the header argument tells R that the first row of the file contains column names;
  • the check.names argument, set to FALSE in this example, tells R not to check whether the column names are syntacticaly valid R column names for a data frame;
  • the stringsAsFactors argument, set to FALSE, is a bit annoying: the read.csv() default value for this argument is TRUE and using it that way would turn any character valued columns into a data type known as factor in R, and more often than not that is not what you want to do; never forget to set stringsASFactors = F in read.csv() if you are not sure that you want all chacter valued columns automatically converted into factors.

You can now inspect listings in RStudio from the Environment panel. We will take a look at the structure of this data frame now: head(someDataFrame, how many rows) shows us the top how many rows from the someDataFrame data frame; tail() looks at the provided number of rows found at the bottom of the data frame:

top_listings <- head(listings, 20)
head(listings, 10)
##       id                                               name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group
## 1   2818           Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi    3159    Daniel                  NA
## 2  20168       Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1   59484 Alexander                  NA
## 3  25428    Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan   56142      Joan                  NA
## 4  27886  Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district   97647      Flip                  NA
## 5  28871                            Comfortable double room  124245     Edwin                  NA
## 6  29051                            Comfortable single room  124245     Edwin                  NA
## 7  31080                2-story apartment + rooftop terrace  133488    Nienke                  NA
## 8  41125                  Amsterdam Center Entire Apartment  178515     Fatih                  NA
## 9  43109                   Oasis in the middle of Amsterdam  188098     Aukje                  NA
## 10 43980 View into park / museum district (long/short stay)   65041        Ym                  NA
##                             neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price minimum_nights
## 1  Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt 52.36575   4.94142    Private room    59              3
## 2                            Centrum-Oost 52.36509   4.89354    Private room   236              1
## 3                            Centrum-West 52.37297   4.88339 Entire home/apt   125             14
## 4                            Centrum-West 52.38761   4.89188    Private room   135              2
## 5                            Centrum-Oost 52.36610   4.88953    Private room    75              2
## 6                            Centrum-Oost 52.36607   4.89100    Private room    55              2
## 7                                    Zuid 52.35132   4.84838 Entire home/apt   219              3
## 8                            Centrum-West 52.37891   4.88321 Entire home/apt   160              4
## 9                            Centrum-West 52.37537   4.88932 Entire home/apt   211              3
## 10                                   Zuid 52.35746   4.86124 Entire home/apt    67             30
##    number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
## 1                278  2020-02-14              1.95                              1              123
## 2                339  2020-04-09              2.58                              2                3
## 3                  5  2020-02-09              0.14                              1               33
## 4                219  2020-07-25              2.01                              1              219
## 5                336  2020-09-20              2.68                              2              346
## 6                481  2020-08-28              4.05                              2              360
## 7                 32  2017-10-16              0.28                              1                0
## 8                 89  2020-02-10              0.73                              1                0
## 9                 60  2020-03-07              4.31                              1                0
## 10                61  2018-02-18              0.50                              2              184
tail(listings, 10)
##             id                                               name   host_id host_name
## 18513 46910585                           luxurious 2bdr apartment 378943951    Martin
## 18514 46911127                                       FELICE house 373125933     Dario
## 18515 46912324                studio In Amsterdam shared bathroom 375398295    Danila
## 18516 46913926 Room for 2 facing private patio - Amsterdam centre 104495359 Sebastian
## 18517 46937483        ♛♝♕ WOW 3 BD APT - Oosterpark Amsterdam ♛♝♕ 379277730      Jean
## 18518 46938808                                      NiceAmsterdam 379294518 Elizabeth
## 18519 46940774           Fantastic Apartment with beautiful views 279181956     Ramon
## 18520 46944602                        cozy apartment in amsterdam 375398295    Danila
## 18521 46953753           Great luxurious apartment in city centre 379498141      Lisa
## 18522 46960026         Classic houseboat in Amsterdam city centre 213284349    Jochum
##       neighbourhood_group                          neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type
## 18513                  NA                           Centrum-Oost 52.37867   4.90730 Entire home/apt
## 18514                  NA                           Centrum-West 52.37706   4.89396 Entire home/apt
## 18515                  NA                De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt 52.34381   4.90639 Entire home/apt
## 18516                  NA                           Centrum-West 52.37495   4.89378    Private room
## 18517                  NA                               Oud-Oost 52.35830   4.92186 Entire home/apt
## 18518                  NA                           Centrum-Oost 52.36978   4.91443 Entire home/apt
## 18519                  NA                           Centrum-Oost 52.36404   4.87967 Entire home/apt
## 18520                  NA                De Pijp - Rivierenbuurt 52.34071   4.90854 Entire home/apt
## 18521                  NA                           Centrum-Oost 52.36003   4.89317    Private room
## 18522                  NA Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt 52.37701   4.91797    Private room
##       price minimum_nights number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month
## 18513   130              3                 0                            NA
## 18514    46              1                 0                            NA
## 18515    50              3                 0                            NA
## 18516    40              1                 0                            NA
## 18517   275              3                 0                            NA
## 18518   330              3                 0                            NA
## 18519   350              4                 0                            NA
## 18520    60             28                 0                            NA
## 18521    67              2                 0                            NA
## 18522    96              2                 0                            NA
##       calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
## 18513                              1              347
## 18514                              7              135
## 18515                              2              163
## 18516                              1               13
## 18517                              1              350
## 18518                              1              362
## 18519                              1               21
## 18520                              2              346
## 18521                              1              179
## 18522                              2               89

We use str() to obtain a description of the data frame - its columns and the respective data types:

## 'data.frame':    18522 obs. of  16 variables:
##  $ id                            : int  2818 20168 25428 27886 28871 29051 31080 41125 43109 43980 ...
##  $ name                          : chr  "Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi" "Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1" "Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan" "Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district" ...
##  $ host_id                       : int  3159 59484 56142 97647 124245 124245 133488 178515 188098 65041 ...
##  $ host_name                     : chr  "Daniel" "Alexander" "Joan" "Flip" ...
##  $ neighbourhood_group           : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ neighbourhood                 : chr  "Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt" "Centrum-Oost" "Centrum-West" "Centrum-West" ...
##  $ latitude                      : num  52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 ...
##  $ longitude                     : num  4.94 4.89 4.88 4.89 4.89 ...
##  $ room_type                     : chr  "Private room" "Private room" "Entire home/apt" "Private room" ...
##  $ price                         : int  59 236 125 135 75 55 219 160 211 67 ...
##  $ minimum_nights                : int  3 1 14 2 2 2 3 4 3 30 ...
##  $ number_of_reviews             : int  278 339 5 219 336 481 32 89 60 61 ...
##  $ last_review                   : chr  "2020-02-14" "2020-04-09" "2020-02-09" "2020-07-25" ...
##  $ reviews_per_month             : num  1.95 2.58 0.14 2.01 2.68 4.05 0.28 0.73 4.31 0.5 ...
##  $ calculated_host_listings_count: int  1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ availability_365              : int  123 3 33 219 346 360 0 0 0 184 ...

Note. str() works on lists:

someList <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
## List of 3
##  $ a: num 1
##  $ b: num 2
##  $ c: num 3
## $a
## [1] 1
## $b
## [1] 2
## $c
## [1] 3
## [1] "a" "b" "c"

head() and tail() also do lists:

someList <- list(1, 'a', 'Belgrade', 3, 3.14, 909, 'R', TRUE, F, '00')
head(someList, 3)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] "a"
## [[3]]
## [1] "Belgrade"
tail(someList, 3)
## [[1]]
## [1] TRUE
## [[2]]
## [1] FALSE
## [[3]]
## [1] "00"

If we are interested in the column names of the data frame only:

##  [1] "id"                             "name"                          
##  [3] "host_id"                        "host_name"                     
##  [5] "neighbourhood_group"            "neighbourhood"                 
##  [7] "latitude"                       "longitude"                     
##  [9] "room_type"                      "price"                         
## [11] "minimum_nights"                 "number_of_reviews"             
## [13] "last_review"                    "reviews_per_month"             
## [15] "calculated_host_listings_count" "availability_365"

Later we will see how to use colnames() to set our own column names on the existing data frame.

In the next step I want to change the listings data frame just a bit, by selecting only a few of its columns, and then store it to disk in the csv format but using a different file name than listings.csv:

listings_selection <- listings[ , 1:3]
##      id                                              name host_id
## 1  2818          Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi    3159
## 2 20168      Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1   59484
## 3 25428   Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan   56142
## 4 27886 Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district   97647
## 5 28871                           Comfortable double room  124245
## 6 29051                           Comfortable single room  124245

Similarly as we have used the read.csv() function to read a file into a data frame, we use write.csv() to store a data frame into a file in our local filesystem:

write.csv(x = listings_selection, 
          file = paste0(dataDir, 'listings_selection.csv'))

2. More elaborated I/O + install R packages + subsetting data frames + elementary string processing

If you want to see what objects do you have instantiated in the current R session, use ls():

##  [1] "a"                  "analyticsDir"       "awesome"            "check"             
##  [5] "cities"             "city"               "columns"            "counter"           
##  [9] "countries"          "dataDir"            "dataFramesCheck"    "dataSet"           
## [13] "emptyList"          "filename"           "files"              "i"                 
## [17] "index"              "iris"               "l"                  "lattitudes"        
## [21] "listings"           "listings_selection" "ll"                 "logic"             
## [25] "longitudes"         "mean_price"         "mtcars"             "my_list"           
## [29] "my_vector"          "myArray1"           "myArray2"           "myCities"          
## [33] "myFun"              "myList"             "myResult"           "mySequence"        
## [37] "names"              "num_cols"           "num_files"          "num_pairs"         
## [41] "num_rows"           "numbers"            "person"             "persons"           
## [45] "populations"        "rootDir"            "s"                  "search"            
## [49] "separateCities"     "set"                "some_expression"    "someList"          
## [53] "this_animal"        "this_number"        "top_listings"       "word"              
## [57] "word1"              "word2"              "x"                  "z"

Some of them we do not need anymore and we want to remove them. Note. In real Data Science practice, most of the time we really need to look carefully after memory usage, because we typically work with large datasets. The datasets that we have in this session are rather small:

## [1] 18522    16

listings has 18522 rows and 16 columnes, while listings_selection has…

## [1] 18522     3

We do not need the listings_selection data frame anymore, so let’s remove it with rm():

##  [1] "a"               "analyticsDir"    "awesome"         "check"           "cities"         
##  [6] "city"            "columns"         "counter"         "countries"       "dataDir"        
## [11] "dataFramesCheck" "dataSet"         "emptyList"       "filename"        "files"          
## [16] "i"               "index"           "iris"            "l"               "lattitudes"     
## [21] "listings"        "ll"              "logic"           "longitudes"      "mean_price"     
## [26] "mtcars"          "my_list"         "my_vector"       "myArray1"        "myArray2"       
## [31] "myCities"        "myFun"           "myList"          "myResult"        "mySequence"     
## [36] "names"           "num_cols"        "num_files"       "num_pairs"       "num_rows"       
## [41] "numbers"         "person"          "persons"         "populations"     "rootDir"        
## [46] "s"               "search"          "separateCities"  "set"             "some_expression"
## [51] "someList"        "this_animal"     "this_number"     "top_listings"    "word"           
## [56] "word1"           "word2"           "x"               "z"

someList is really small and we do not care to remove it.

2.1 Install a package to read data from Excel

What if the listings data frame was stored as a Microsoft Excel file, with an .xlsx extension in place of .csv? Well, one thing to do would be to first convert it to csv outside R, from Excel itself for example. Why would we do that? Because we tend to be consistent in the way we code and what procedures and standards do we use in our work: for example, we can introduce a convention to keep all data as .csv files in the scope of some project. But sometimes we don’t and we simply need to grab a file with a certain extension quickly. Now, base R does not have a function to read .xlsx files. But there are R packages that provide such functions. Whenever we want to use an R package, we need to install it first. The base R function to install packages is install.packages():


When we want to use functions from an R package, we need to call the package by library():


Now, the readxl package has a function to read Excel files:

listings <- read_excel(paste0(dataDir, "listings.xlsx"), 
                       col_names = TRUE)
## New names:
## • `` -> `...17`
## # A tibble: 6 × 17
##      id name  host_id host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude longitude room_type price
##   <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <chr>     <chr>               <chr>         <chr>        <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
## 1  2818 Quie… 3159    Daniel    <NA>                Oostelijk Ha… 52.36575      4.94 Private … 59   
## 2 20168 Stud… 59484   Alexander <NA>                Centrum-Oost  52.36509      4.89 Private … 236  
## 3 25428 Love… 56142   Joan      <NA>                Centrum-West  52.37297      4.88 Entire h… 125  
## 4 27886 Roma… 97647   Flip      <NA>                Centrum-West  52.38761      4.89 Private … 135  
## 5 28871 Comf… 124245  Edwin     <NA>                Centrum-Oost  52.3661       4.89 Private … 75   
## 6 29051 Comf… 124245  Edwin     <NA>                Centrum-Oost  52.36607      4.89 Private … 55   
## # ℹ 7 more variables: minimum_nights <dbl>, number_of_reviews <dbl>, last_review <chr>,
## #   reviews_per_month <chr>, calculated_host_listings_count <dbl>, availability_365 <dbl>,
## #   ...17 <dbl>

Note how I have reused the variable name: listings. It was an existing data frame which is now overwritten by the same data from a different file. Do not forget to use ? from the R console to obtain documentation on any new functions that you need to learn: ?read_excel, for example.

Note. Do class(listings):

## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

What is this: tbl_df, tbl? In short: the classes were added to the data.frame class in the read_excel() call and we will start meeting them frequently once we begin to use the tidyverse packages like readr. Nothing to worry about at this point. Let’s strip them of the listings object manually:

listings <-
## [1] "data.frame"

Ok. Back to the original listings.csv now:

filename <- paste0(dataDir, 'listings.csv')
listings <- read.csv(file = filename, 
                    header = T, 
                    check.names = F,
                    stringsAsFactors = F)

2.2 Subsetting a data frame in base R

Now we need to learn how to subset a data frame, to slice out exactly the data that we are interested in. Data frames can be sliced by conditions set on their rows, columns, and by any combinations of conditions set on rows and columns. For example, if we are interested in only the top five rows of listings, we can do:

listings_5 <- listings[1:5, ]
##      id                                              name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group
## 1  2818          Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi    3159    Daniel                  NA
## 2 20168      Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1   59484 Alexander                  NA
## 3 25428   Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan   56142      Joan                  NA
## 4 27886 Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district   97647      Flip                  NA
## 5 28871                           Comfortable double room  124245     Edwin                  NA
##                            neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price minimum_nights
## 1 Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt 52.36575   4.94142    Private room    59              3
## 2                           Centrum-Oost 52.36509   4.89354    Private room   236              1
## 3                           Centrum-West 52.37297   4.88339 Entire home/apt   125             14
## 4                           Centrum-West 52.38761   4.89188    Private room   135              2
## 5                           Centrum-Oost 52.36610   4.88953    Private room    75              2
##   number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
## 1               278  2020-02-14              1.95                              1              123
## 2               339  2020-04-09              2.58                              2                3
## 3                 5  2020-02-09              0.14                              1               33
## 4               219  2020-07-25              2.01                              1              219
## 5               336  2020-09-20              2.68                              2              346

Remember head() - we can use that too:

listings_5 <- head(listings, 5)
##      id                                              name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group
## 1  2818          Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi    3159    Daniel                  NA
## 2 20168      Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1   59484 Alexander                  NA
## 3 25428   Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan   56142      Joan                  NA
## 4 27886 Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district   97647      Flip                  NA
## 5 28871                           Comfortable double room  124245     Edwin                  NA
##                            neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price minimum_nights
## 1 Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt 52.36575   4.94142    Private room    59              3
## 2                           Centrum-Oost 52.36509   4.89354    Private room   236              1
## 3                           Centrum-West 52.37297   4.88339 Entire home/apt   125             14
## 4                           Centrum-West 52.38761   4.89188    Private room   135              2
## 5                           Centrum-Oost 52.36610   4.88953    Private room    75              2
##   number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
## 1               278  2020-02-14              1.95                              1              123
## 2               339  2020-04-09              2.58                              2                3
## 3                 5  2020-02-09              0.14                              1               33
## 4               219  2020-07-25              2.01                              1              219
## 5               336  2020-09-20              2.68                              2              346

Again, the columns of listings:

##  [1] "id"                             "name"                          
##  [3] "host_id"                        "host_name"                     
##  [5] "neighbourhood_group"            "neighbourhood"                 
##  [7] "latitude"                       "longitude"                     
##  [9] "room_type"                      "price"                         
## [11] "minimum_nights"                 "number_of_reviews"             
## [13] "last_review"                    "reviews_per_month"             
## [15] "calculated_host_listings_count" "availability_365"

And if we want to subset only the rows from 5 to 10 and only the name and room_type columns:

listings[5:10, c('host_name', 'room_type')]
##    host_name       room_type
## 5      Edwin    Private room
## 6      Edwin    Private room
## 7     Nienke Entire home/apt
## 8      Fatih Entire home/apt
## 9      Aukje Entire home/apt
## 10        Ym Entire home/apt


listings[5:10, c(4, 9)]
##    host_name       room_type
## 5      Edwin    Private room
## 6      Edwin    Private room
## 7     Nienke Entire home/apt
## 8      Fatih Entire home/apt
## 9      Aukje Entire home/apt
## 10        Ym Entire home/apt


listings[c(5,6,7,8,9,10), c(4, 9)]
##    host_name       room_type
## 5      Edwin    Private room
## 6      Edwin    Private room
## 7     Nienke Entire home/apt
## 8      Fatih Entire home/apt
## 9      Aukje Entire home/apt
## 10        Ym Entire home/apt

Remember that c() puts things together in R. We have used two vectors, c(5,6,7,8,9,10), which can also be written as a sequence 5:10, and c(4,9) in which we have used column positions but we could have used column names as well like in the c('host_name', 'room_type') example to subset the listings data frame.

We can subset a data frame by imposing conditions on rows and/or columns too:

listings[listings$id > 42000 , c(2, 3)]
##                                                   name  host_id
## 9                     Oasis in the middle of Amsterdam   188098
## 10  View into park / museum district (long/short stay)    65041
## 11                       Luxury design with canal view   187728
## 12                      Cozy loft in central Amsterdam   207342
## 13        Multatuli Luxury Guest Suite in top location   225987
## 14                   Luxurous Houseboat-Great Location   227530
## 15          Family Home (No drugs, smoking or parties)   231864
## 16                  B & B de 9 Straatjes (city center)   231946
## 17                                      Amsterdam Aqua   185836
## 18         Spacious studio at the attic of a townhouse   246493
## 19            Nice room near centre with en suite bath   247822
## 20                               Luminous central room   260785
## 21              Fully equiped house, PIJP area = great   262846
## 22                    Greatly located, cozy atmosphere   263844
## 23                 Apartment near Museumplein (centre)   264178
## 24      En Suite Apartment in a monumental canal house   278253
## 25   Charming, beautifully & sunny place with cat Luna   301340
## 26                 Very nice appartment ALL of januari   306117
## 27                                    Luxury Houseboat   306192
## 28                    Unique 3 bedroom house in Centre   312863
## 29                   Amsterdam - The Pijp Apartment 1A   335166
## 30                                Rebel - Private Room   336950
## 31                           Yves Klein - Private Room   336950
## 32                 Attic room with doublebed available   339333
## 33                 Centre Museum Quarter Apt Roof Deck   381900
## 34  Garden Suite Studio   399879
## 35                    Cottage Room- Completely Private   399879
## 36                      Red Studio Palamedes Amsterdam   400896
## 37                   Yellow Studio Palamedes Amsterdam   400896
## 38                     studio INN, bright and spacious   409579
## 39                  TOP LOCATED Canalhouse B&B Jordaan   436145
## 40                 The Backroom - Central private appt   186729
## 41                     Bright apt in central Amsterdam   450453
## 42          Central Studio apartment in Trendy De Pijp   457263
## 43                 Bed&Bike SleepOnNature - free bikes   459028
## 44    Privat room and shared Houseboat "Ramona" centre   494281
## 45                   De Baronie B&B in historic centre   510526
## 46                         Beautiful and spacious room   195859
## 47                      A'dam Centre, Bright and Comfy   249794
## 48                               Amsterdam at its best   563208
## 49          all private, city center @ home with art-1   538659
## 50        Large private room for rent Center / De Pijp   642044
## 51                       Houseboat with beautiful view   673879
## 52                       light modern & cosy apartment   689016
## 53                   Bright room in lively Kinkerbuurt   715549
## 54                   Apartment 2 minutes from Centrum!   748161
## 55          Modern app. with brand new design bathroom   776296
## 56                              Amsterdam at your feet   790547
## 57      SUPERLOCATED Room in  CANALHOUSE, Private bath   436145
## 58   Central,Rooftop 360',Zen,Canal-View, Bright,Quiet   806976
## 59                   Spacious apartment next to center   815989
## 60  Authentic Amsterdam Experience@Townhouse w/Rooftop   818319
## 61  Pleasant,cosy & crazy apartment with small balcony   818479
## 62      Cosy Apt | IN CITY CENTRE | Close to Artis Zoo   834139
## 63  Cat lover's paradise in Amsterdam's hottest street    58458
## 64                   Authentic Amsterdam apartment RAI   856540
## 65                    Central, quiet, design apartment   876866
## 66                   Metropolitan B&B centre Amsterdam   915591
## 67  Private Loft&Bathroom  Ensuite Studio Ctr Amsterda   935742
## 68                 The best spot to discover Amsterdam   967796
## 69                              ART & DESIGN APARTMENT   976652
## 70                 Studio next 2 V´park near Leidsepl.   539840
## 71     TOP location with private terrace in old centre   542540
## 72                 Best Area - Large Luxury 3 Bdr Home   999036
## 73                  Central yet quiet studio apartment  1011967
## 74                         Spacious home w roof garden   887591
## 75                     Amsterdam Apartment (waterview)   599238
## 76                 LUXURIOUS GUESTHOUSE in CITY CENTER  1107389
## 77                    Suite in Canalhouse with Jacuzzi  1135329
## 78     Cosy apartment in West | Quiet street | Netflix  1155595
## 79     Jordaan apt with views of canals and Westerkerk  1205924
## 80  Sonnenberg - Canal side & view - Private & Central  1005087
## 81                  LOFT with terrace, super location!  1294098
## 82                 Bellavista, central,with canal view  1298735
## 83                      Modern studio near central AMS  1314658
## 84                 Amazing apartment historical centre  1322517
## 85                    The Flying Pancake B&B Amsterdam  1334704
## 86                    Amazing apartment in city center  1337537
## 87   bed & bike with free parking \nthe house of finer  1344947
## 88                     Caracteristic, family apartment  1350388
## 89                     Great CENTRAL apartment De Pijp  1358307
## 90                   Charming Studio with Roof Terrace  1376607
## 91                 Private, central & luxurious apment  1391689
## 92              Quiet room in sunny apartment on canal  1417625
## 93                  Luxury appartm, good neighbourhood  1426693
## 94             Cozy sleeping in popular Amsterdam West  1435990
## 95                 Beautiful central & quiet apartment  1436134
## 96                  nice apartment in centre amsterdam  1446698
## 97                 Your central home in wonderful AMS!  1471195
## 98                  5-bedrooms house; central location  1451657
## 99                  Cozy and quiet 1 bedroom apartment  1173052
## 100                Center,Canal View, Private Bathroom  1491565
## 101                        BandB de Baarsjes Amsterdam  1501422
## 102                Center, Large&Sunny Room,Pvt Bathrm  1491565
## 103    cosy bedroom | garden | near center | breakfast  1247363
## 104                   Cozy & large bohemian style room  1511330
## 105                     Sunny Apartment along river IJ  1493495
## 106                           Volledig huis-apartement  1518360
## 107    Modern apartment + rooftop terrace @city centre  1532319
## 108                 Cosy apartment in charming Jordaan  1550321
## 109                  Sunny family flat in the Jordaan!  1557454
## 110     Quiet studio in the heart of town with Garden!   276068
## 111        Unique Beautiful Houseboat (ship) in Center  1565319
## 112                      Smack dab middle of Amsterdam  1565512
## 113                         Canal & Parkview Apartment  1573009
## 114         SunShine, A Sunny Amsterdam Center Special  1141485
## 115                  Sailing Ship Amsterdam Centre (1)  1582128
## 116                 SunBird, Sunny Apt in Quiet Street  1141485
## 117                SunFlower, A Sunny B&B + 2 Bicycles  1141485
## 118    Luxurious 17C Canal Villa Apt, Low-cost Parking  1570754
## 119                   Cozy Central Apartment Amsterdam  1598424
## 120  *historic centre* *bright* *canal view* *jordaan*  1600010
## 121                  40 m2 Appartment near Leidseplein  1023895
## 122       Ground floor apartment with patio in De Pijp  1613017
## 123                 "The Roosevelt Apt"  Amsterdam RAI  1616799
## 124              Elegant Appartement Central Location.  1640702
## 125                Familyhome easy airport connection!  1642815
## 126                beautiful designed ap.+bikes+garden  1672823
## 127                Lovely FAMILY house near Vondelpark  1687595
## 128 Stay at 'Perfect appartement in the center' by the  1730202
## 129             Amstel Nest - an urban retreat for two  1740785
## 130      SPACIOUS historical Amsterdam apartment 120m2  1751751
## 131                      Luxe boat AMSTERDAM IJBURG!!!  1775032
## 132                 Amsterdam appartment + southgarden  1811552
## 133                ★ STYLISH FAMILY HOME - CITY CENTER  1811745
## 134                ★ Stunning City Centre Apartment #3  1826139
## 135   Bright, newly renovated apartment in Center-East  1831568
## 137  Charming,  bright and quiet home center Amsterdam  1855417
## 138                              Freedom on the water!  1901477
## 139      Private Studio Houseboat *BEST VIEW* @ Amstel  1907015
## 140                Central Loft, Great Rooftop Terrace  1927004
## 141                    Lovely apt, Amsterdam /Jordaan.  1939619
## 142                 Room in Jordaan Heart of Amsterdam  1979865
## 143     Comfortable design apartment with roof terrace  2008330
## 144                Beautiful spacious 130m family home   325306
## 145       Rooftop Terrace Luxury Loft Centre Amsterdam  2035506
## 146                        Beautiful apartment in AMS!  2048100
## 147                   Charming house, perfect for two!  2063261
## 148                Cent Adam Lux (2-4p) Apt 90 sqm(m2)  2063612
## 149                   Sunny Amsterdam East Harbor View  1336633
## 150                Beautiful 19th Cent. City Apartment  2078292
## 151                              ★ City Centre Loft #4  1826139
## 152                           Sunny apartment with cat  1939922
## 153                  Beautiful apartment @ true center  2144360
## 154                        COOL DESIGN HOUSE with WiFi  2174719
## 155                    Bright apt in central Amsterdam  2181530
## 156                Charming houseboat near Olympic St.  2191136
## 157                Family house in centre of Amsterdam  2193861
## 158       Fantastic apartment right in the city centre  2059471
## 159                    cosy room with private entrance  2202945
## 160           Three colourful art rooms in trendy Pijp  1543378
## 161    creative ground floor house close to Vondelpark  2220492
## 162                     Houseboat 'Saturnus' Amsterdam  2238440
## 163                    FABULOUS MODERN LOFT IN JORDAAN  2243649
## 164                    Superb, quiet home with garden!    81046
## 165                    Great apartment near the centre  1997447
## 166                  Central 17th Century Unique House  2297302
## 167   GROUNDFLOOR IN WESTERPARK + WIFI and a comfy bed   860750
## 168                   Luxurious apartment @ Dam Square  2313040
## 169                Amsterdam-Beatiful entire apartment  2352274
## 170                   Cosy apartment along the Amstel.  2378237
## 171                   Live the life of A'dam on water!  1382273
## 172                 Spacious studio apartment in A'dam  2395278
## 173        Modern 3 bedroom apt. + garden near Jordaan  2396890
## 174                Central quiet ap'ment with parcview  2418579
## 175              Family apartment 80m2 near Vondelpark  2397045
## 176     Light filled, split level, cosy and clean home  2480479
## 177 Quiet & spacious apt, near Museums & Concertgebouw  2483843
## 178                Centre Amsterdam perfect for family  1645998
## 179                           Stylish Design Apartment  2492723
## 180                Light studio in centre of Amsterdam  2493425
## 181                     ★ Combo City Centre Apartments  1826139
## 182                   Typical Amsterdam apt. in center  2536209
## 183                Familyfriendly Suite incl breakfast  2536879
## 184  Apartment near centre with amazing view over city  2541099
## 185                  4 bedroom apartment near the park  2041793
## 186 Bright Canal house with amazing view! @the Jordaan  2550339
## 187                Beautiful grand appartment (135 m2)  2569931
## 189                                     Somewhere Else  2594559
## 190                 Comfortable and pleasant apartment  2639261
## 191                   Beautiful ground floor apartment   356740
## 192                Family Friendly Spacious Appartment  2674073
## 193                    PLAYFUL SPLIT-LEVEL LOFT+GARDEN  2303229
## 194                  Luxury apartment + private garden  2677807
## 195                        3 bedrooms Apartment+Garden  2699033
## 196                    Charming canal apartment (75m2)  2707013
## 197                           Cosy Campervan Amsterdam   711896
## 198                 Near city center, green area, WIFI  2460631
## 199                 * Live like a King @ Prinsengracht  1600010
## 200                     B&B WestergasTverblijf , Cosy!   618589
## 201                 Lovely house close to the Jordaan!  2727759
## 202                   Amsterdam - conveniently located  1829820
## 203                     peaceful stay near city centre  2737834
## 204    Spacious duplex apartment + terrace near centre  2761838
## 205               Beautiful apartment + Lovely garden.  2778131
## 206                 Bright central studio with terrace  2794849
## 207                  Pretty apt in the center of A'dam  2797260
## 208                    Super nice place in Amsterdam!!  2806790
## 209                   Southern Comfort near Vondelpark  2439449
## 210 Spacious, 2 bedrooms & garden close to the centre! 21800150
## 211                    Monumental Amsterdam Canalhouse  2809841
## 212          AMS CENTRAL FAMILY HOME with huge garden.  2815910
## 213                      Loft right in the city centre  2830952
## 214                 Appartment in centre of Amsterdam.  2831228
## 215            Private Studio on Spectacular Houseboat  2851886
## 216                    Cosy apartment with canal view!  2859023
## 217                 Comfy house with garden in De Pijp  1544456
## 218 Sunny & central located apartment near Albert Cuyp  2865047
## 219                    Quiet large park side apartment  2865851
## 220        Bright & spacious design apt. in quiet area   405625
## 221                                      Jacky's place  2866493
## 222                              Amsterdam Family Home  2868026
## 223              Warm Family Canal House in the Center   199266
## 224                Large 3 bedroom apartment surrounde  1759884
## 225                 Casa Bacco @ Amsterdam city center  1501059
## 226           Sweet ap. with garden and  2 bedrooms...  2901110
## 227                Great 140 m2 app. lovely canalview.  2717366
## 228                  Lovely apartment near city centre  2906309
## 229                                    Romantic Refuge  2906532
## 230                          Our Cozy Third floor Home  2912339
## 231                   amazing apartment in Amsterdam!!  2913467
## 232                Beautiful apartment near Vondelpark  2914846
## 233                                CASA LOVE @ De Pijp  2655785
## 234                 House on waterfront - free parking  2580855
## 235                    Cozy room in Amsterdam's Center  2408429
## 236    OvernightWorkingPlaceConnectPeopleDeHallenA'Dam  2923773
## 237                   Lovely apartment on TOP location  2871004
## 238                       Beautiful Family appartement  2977834
## 239     Modern Houseboat | Canal Views! | JORDAAN AREA  3007402
## 240                    Sleep at Amy's B'n'B Front Room  3015785
## 241 Huge luxurious (2bedr.) apt in vibrant 'oud west'!  2485229
## 242                Your own cottage in the countryside  3040748
## 243                     Artist's flat overlooking park   749611
## 244     Light, spacious apartment in trendy Westerpark  2782084
## 245  Beautiful and spacious apartment with big rooftop  2695123
## 246    Specious family residence near the city centre.  2980639
## 247                      Big apartment near Vondelpark  3093502
## 248                 Beautifull apartment at Westerpark  3098348
## 249                      Beautiful Apartment Amsterdam  3111814
## 250                   Sleep at Amy's B'n'B Garden Room  3015785
## 251                House boat near museums in the Pijp  3113556
## 252                  Luxury apartment with nice garden  2504685
## 253                    Canal apartment on Singelgracht  3116801
## 254                Cntr. Amsterdam - roof top, 1 bedrm  6522250
## 255                                     Casa Don Mateo  3146203
## 256 'Westerpark Sanctuary', Office-Apt. across W-Park.  3078488
## 257       Beautiful, light apartment with huge garden!  2922757
## 258                   Cozy, quiet home near Vondelpark  3181829
## 259                 Spacious duplex with roof terrasse  3192579
## 260                   Beautiful apartment in Amsterdam  3195385
## 261                    Apartment with garden + 2 bikes  3195444
## 262               Adam Canal Center- /long stay ready.  3207136
## 263                   Cute Condo in heart of Amsterdam  3209034
## 264        Proper & clean apartment, nice neighborhood  3209315
## 265                  Sunny Apartm canal + roof terrace  3254029
## 266                  Cozy apartment centre first canal  3255626
## 267                Most popular neighbourhood of A'Dam  2841990
## 268         Lovely apartment in dynamic Pijp for rent!  3280080
## 269                    Sunny apartment with canal view  2369370
## 270                My perfect spot next to the Jordaan  3266011
## 271  VeryBig luxurious family house A"dam free parking  1634910
## 272      Characteristic canalhouse near Leidse square!  3287406
## 273  A-location, ensuite bathroom, centre - Milkmaid -  3278419
## 274 A-location ensuite bathroom centre 'Pearl Earring'  3278419
## 275                  Style, History & Design - 2 Bedrm  3305102
## 276                                       Ground floor  3317069
## 277 Large 4 floor art-filled family-friendly townhouse  3336575
## 278                120m2 luxurious house with a garden  3350109
## 279                Boutique luxe apt. at PRINSENGRACHT  3351752
## 280                Design Waterfront flat near station  1406783
## 281                    Artists house with two gardens.  3361425
## 282                       Lovely, Spacious appartment!  3367431
## 283                Green, sportive experience in A'dam  3375589
## 284                   Apartment in centre of Amsterdam  3375808
## 285                  Cozy, unique apartment in Jordaan  2467597
## 286                 House in city centre, sunny garden  3080120
## 287            Beautiful & Artistic APT | CITY CENTRE!  1609969
## 288          Long term rent: Spacious 4 room apartment  3418459
## 289                  Lovely a'dam, groundfloor, garden  3433441
## 290                             Central A'dam 4p 2bedr  3441165
## 291                       Peaceful and Central at home  3451776
## 292                  Penthouse with terrace in centrum  3460384
## 293                     Walking Distance Waterlooplein  3440799
## 294                 Nice Room near to RAI and downtown  2309485
## 295                 Room privacy near centre Amsterdam  3498674
## 296              Cosy, quiet apartment near Vondelpark  3499336
## 297                               City beach apartment  2272095
## 298                 SPACIOUS LOFT in 17C CANAL MANSION  3529778
## 299                   Luxury canal-apartment Amsterdam  3281295
## 300    2 rooms in beautiful appartment near Vondelpark  3548522
## 301                     Quiet room in Amsterdam Center  3556421
## 302              Green oasis only 15 min from Station.  3564543
## 303   Cosy and stylish flat in Oud-West for cat lovers  2302855
## 304                 Friendly ap. near centre Amsterdam  3557630
## 305                   Museum Suite, near Leidse Square  3595270
## 306                 Lovely apartment South A'dam (RAI)  3586216
## 307             Comfortable apartment near city centre  3505991
## 308             Cozy and light in Bos en Lommer, 96 m²  3607736
## 309                 Oud West Vondelpark Centre Jordaan  3123495
## 310  Appartment 5 min from Vondelpark & Roofterrace!!!  3051231
## 311                   luxe apartment in amsterdam city  3397629
## 312                   Amsterdam Sweet Unit Museumplein  3648704
## 313         Unique spacious family home in the Jordaan  3517912
## 314                    Independent Studio in 'De Pijp'  3644216
## 315   Cozy Spacious Clean Stylish Quiet in Lively Pijp  3656864
## 316  Light apartment in Old-West nearby the Vondelpark  3672783
## 317                  Warm & Romantic apt in De Jordaan  3673389
## 318                    Cozy houseboat near Vondelpark!  3678493
## 319   Sunny, Elegant, Spacious apartment in the Centre  3681248
## 320                 Loft style home nearby city centre  3689867
## 321                  Cozy app. @ Vondelpark (Oud-Zuid)  1725014
## 322          Canal house right in the Jordaan (center)  3713242
## 323                Sunny apt great location free bikes  3723928
## 324    Spacious and cozy apartment close to Westerpark  3727363
## 325                Luxury design appt - Centre De Pijp  3744541
## 326                 Beautiful loft in center Amsterdam  3775786
## 327                  Superb loft apartment in de Pijp!  1902079
## 328                   Fantastic studio Amsterdam Centr  3781782
## 329                    Great location modern apartment  3788198
## 330 Suite 2 Stay - studio Beautiful Barok - canal area  3788673
## 331                   Bed & Breakfast in Oud West Area  3267693
## 332                   Cosy apartment in upcoming Oost!  2460974
## 333                    Bright Design Apt | Artful Stay   965667
## 335                     Roof Terrace Apartm w. parking   232321
## 336       Fantastic apartment in Amsterdam's best area  3872261
## 337          Private Room at our LoveNest in Amsterdam  3846003
## 338                Love Nest for rent in the center!!!  3846003
## 339      Modern  stylish villa: My Amsterdam Houseboat  3877342
## 340                  Cosy/Creative/Canal Apt for 2/3 p  3880042
## 341                      Sailing ship Amsterdam center  1582128
## 342                           Best Deal, City Center!!  3888452
## 343                              Kiki's Loft Apartment  3899684
## 344                    Kiki's Garden View Apartment 01  3899684
## 345                    Kiki's Garden View Apartment 02  3899684
## 346                         Kiki's Penthouse Apartment  3899684
## 347                     Private luxury B&B near Amstel  3518386
## 348                 beautiful apartment in canal house  3713242
## 349                Spacious apt in great neighbourhood  3482922
## 350                     nice cozy room near Vondelpark  3548522
## 351                      Spacious Sunny Apartment - 4p  3966326
## 352                Beautiful apartment with big garden  3970623
## 353                   Canal house - Heart of Amsterdam  3970753
## 354      A special spot near the Jordaan ideal for two  3975477
## 355                 Bright & Cosy Canal View Apartment 17507481
## 356          Central apartment 50m2, Old West Jordaan.  1387938
## 357                Luxurious, Spacious and light 130m2  3997123
## 358                     Spacious delightful Canalhouse  4000086
## 359      beautiful spacious appartment near Vondelpark  3548522
## 360                Spacious design apt. | Centre A'dam  4002861
## 361                    Nice Apartment 50m2, East Side!  3661217
## 362           Private guest apartment on a shared boat  4009374
## 363    40% discount A'dam Apartment - Clean Quiet Safe  4013546
## 364                Great room in Amsterdam near Centre  3914844
## 365    LOFT at Canal : special fall-break & ADE price!  3678216
## 366                 Room, brandnew luxurious houseboat  3877342
## 367                Fantastic 100m2 apartment. Top loca  4063638
## 368                         Lovely Amsterdam Houseboat  4068486
## 369  City Centre Room with En-Suite Shower and Terrace  2313061
## 370            Nice and Cozy Room Offered in Amsterdam   195859
## 371                   Charming monument in the Jordaan  4075972
## 372                    Jordaan, the Heart of Amsterdam  2924870
## 373                the Boathouse bed&bike A'dam centre  4091515
## 374                Amsterdam Studio Garden Museumplein  3648704
## 375                   Spacious, bright and comfortable  4106698
## 376      Sleep on board of our ship in North Amsterdam  3357851
## 377                  Lovely apartment near city centre  4109239
## 378                 Beautiful apartment in city centre  4117326
## 379                 Design apartment nearby the Amstel  4117053
## 380          9-STREETS apartment in A'dam Wolvenstraat  4120466
## 381         Apartment for FAMILIES in city center | 4P  4125951
## 382                  Lovely Cozy Place in De Baarsjes!  3161745
## 383    Great apartment Oud West close to foodhallen***  4074819
## 384                       Amsterdam Houseboat 'Centre'  2586026
## 385                Cozy design apartment in Amsterdam!  4150161
## 386                    apartment near center Amsterdam   711884
## 387                Groundfloor Lofty Apt | Artful Stay   965667
## 388                 Gorgeous Apartment near Vondelpark  3042726
## 389 Spacious apartment in trendy Baarsjes (2 - 4 pers)  4180511
## 390                       Knus en gezellig appartement  3826985
## 391                   Romantic Houseboat in the center  4184910
## 392     NEW! cozy and private Amsterdam studio for two  4188143
## 393                           PERFECT LOCATION FOR TNW  4203731
## 394                   Luxurious apartment 72m2 in Pijp  4207199
## 395                  mediterranean ambiance appartment  4215174
## 396                         Charlie + Coco's Apartment  1657181
## 397  Sleeping in a unique ship in the center of A'dam!  4221960
## 398      Stylish Loft with a Balcony - Couples retreat  3742898
## 399                                               Boss   336950
## 400      Spacious, modern loft in historic city centre  3449505
## 401                  The Best 2-Floor CANAL Apartment!  4291496
## 402                Modern apt with canal and park view  4294992
## 403       Authentic houseboat with privacy and comfort  4296919
## 404  La Vie En Rose B&B Amsterdam Center large Suite 2  3788898
## 405                 CANAL  APTM. WITH GARDEN IN CENTRE  4297337
## 406                  Cosy apartment next to Dam Square   673543
## 407  Stylish apartment for 4 persons with large garden  4323295
## 408                Very charming home and lush garden!  4346522
## 409                  Apt & Garden in the Pijp near RAI  4312792
## 410                Spacious, bright apartment near RAI  4363352
## 411    180m2 Loft in former Monastry with garden @Pijp  4364112
## 412            B&B Mondriaan, bright and modern studio  4364462
## 413                  Spacious Apt in the Rivierenbuurt  4119336
## 414                 Occasional availability Centre Apt  3054367
## 415                      Very cosy apt at top location   551716
## 416                Spacious apartment 60m2 for couple!  3557914
## 417                Spacious apartment! Great location!   437989
## 418                  Large charming house A'dam centre  4419885
## 419          Lovely apartment @Vondelpark for families  4663170
## 420                      Bright " feel good" apartment  4426149
## 421                Central design apt in pretty street  4438302
## 422                   HOUSEBOAT NOVA 80m2 + FREE BIKES  4443833
## 423                 Perfect location bright cosy appt!  4398387
## 424  Lovely top 2 floors. Canal view. 3 bedr. 2 bathr.  1347048
## 425                 Fancy apartment heart of Amsterdam  4520552
## 426                 Apartment in city centre (Jordaan)  4520718
## 427                 Beautiful apartment in city centre  2620478
## 428 Sunny apartment Amsterdam Zuid behind Museumsquare  4543444
## 429                    luxurious double room apartment  4552493
## 430                  Spacious apartment in 'Pijp' area  1118702
## 431       *Comfortable apartment close to city center*  1314991
## 432 Bright apt in center with canal view and king bed!  4592706
## 433                The Weavery Boutique Bed&Breakfast2  4614541
## 434                  Private, quiet room in old center  4615516
## 435                   The Room Upstairs - Free parking  4615590
## 436                    5 BR apartment / Quiet / Garden  4585922
## 437                The Weavery Boutique Bed&Breakfast1  4614541
## 438                Spacious room with private bathroom  3332206
## 439            Big room (& big bathroom) in canalhouse  4663978
## 440                                        ArtPark B&B  4682226
## 441                 Luxurious and spacious mobile home  4698057
## 442                            Art apartment Amsterdam  4682226
## 443                Lux 2-bed aprt + 2 bath + 2 terrace  4724613
## 444                Apartment near city centre + canals  4579810
## 445                     Unique view on the Herengracht  4735700
## 446                Bright & spacious apt central A'dam   450453
## 447      Room in modern apartment with rooftop terrace  1608775
## 448             Spacious 2Bed apt in REDLIGHT district  4774482
## 449                   Comfortabel 2p. appt. in de Pijp  4779243
## 450                       Trendy apartment in Oud-West  4817958
## 451                 A cosy Bed and Breakfast in A'dam.   488009
## 452                    Private getaway Citycentre Adam  1903103
## 453                 Big central Jordaan apt + rooftop!  4917532
## 454                  Urban Villa, bright and spacious!  4922720
## 455                Luxury apartment near RAI (in Pijp)  4927986
## 456                     Cute apartment with big garden   589967
## 457               Spacious family house in city centre  4937229
## 458                         The Guestroom in Amsterdam  4947559
## 459       2 KM from Anne Frank house /Jordaan / Canals  3112142
## 460   Fully equipped apartment Amsterdam + Roofterrace  4959941
## 461                House with garden in quite oud-zuid  4965029
## 462                    Spacious studio - Best location  1917728
## 463                Charming topfloor flat @ Vondelpark  1176934
## 464                  Design apt 10 min from Dam Square  2570850
## 465        Houseboat: Our little paradise in Amsterdam  4281750
## 466    Spacious & central appt + private roof terrace!  5022352
## 467          Authentic modern garden family apt. 120m2  1422043
## 468                  LOTUS, Classic Dutch Saling Barge  5037506
## 469                The A'dam experience! Spacious Loft  5062046
## 470                  2 private floors near Rijksmuseum  5069954
## 471                  Cozy apartment + bikes Westerpark  5073186
## 472                   Child friendly classic houseboat  5076226
## 473                   H&H's place - Light and colorful  4280207
## 474                                     Homy apartment  3775031
## 475 Private apartment near lively neighborhood Jordaan  5102632
## 476                Spacious room in quiet neighborhood  5134833
## 477                Comfortable family home with garden  5146783
## 478                Great house,Perfect place, S-Garden  5162447
## 479                 Comfortable apartment in eco-house  5163484
## 480                          Canalhouse in city center  5173586
## 481                Stylish, clean studio, high service  5183517
## 482       Private studio 25m2 for two near A'dam Arena  5183517
## 483                               Canal House 3 floors  4663978
## 484                    Modern, spacious designer house  4794187
## 485 central family home 120sm+garden   child friendly!  2049167
## 486              All private, city center, art @home-2   538659
## 487                 Space, glass floors & roof terrace  2633774
## 488                 Living in a houseboat on the water  5297940
## 489                                Private Garden room  4073717
## 490                      Lovely Room in nice apartment  3879155
## 491                   Clean, spacious, 2 bathroom LOFT  3971476
## 492                      Nice Room in Centre Amsterdam  5417945
## 493                 Travel and sleep like a local 75m2  3205205
## 494                                     Waterfront B&B  4415881
## 495                 Lovely Canal Apartment Leidseplein  5472530
## 496                            knus huisje met tuintje  5476741
## 497                        Very large & new apartment!  5488484
## 498                                    The Canal House  5489703
## 499                Nice,new app. nearby Center/Jordaan  5527871
## 500                      Beautiful apartment in centre  5530981
## 501                 Fun apt @ the corner of the Jordan  5536020
## 502 Luxury BedonBoard on Beautiful Houseboat Amsterdam  3523553
## 503                  A'dam West - room with double bed  4443157
## 504                        Light Apartment with garden  5545294
## 505      Central, comfortable, bath and great kitchen!  5558015
## 506 Rustig gelegen zonnig appartement voor een familie  5039682
## 507                   Canal app. 80m² Museum+shop area  4473576
## 508   Cosy private studio on houseboat in the centre!*   125667
##  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 18014 rows ]

Shall we set a condition on column names perhaps?

2.3 Subsetting by columns + grepl() to perform regex match

listings[1:10, grepl("^number", colnames(listings))]
##  [1] 278 339   5 219 336 481  32  89  60  61

We already now that colnames(listings) will return a character vector encompassing all column names from listings. The grepl() function operates on characters. It’s task is to check if the regular expression (regex) described by its first argument (^number in our example) matches any character sequence found in its second argument (colnames(listings) in our example). The regular expression ^number says search for anything that begins with number in the given string, so ^ is the character (precisely: a metacharacter) in the regex syntax that stands for the beginning of the string. Similarly, $ is a metacharacter that stands for the empty character at the end of the string. Let’se see what grepl() does:

string <- 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
grepl('^t', string)
## [1] TRUE

^^ Asks if string begins with 'T'.

string <- 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
grepl('g$', string)
## [1] TRUE

^^ Asks if string ends with 'g'.

string <- 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
grepl('x$', string)
## [1] FALSE

^^ Asks if string ends with 'x'.

strings <- c('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
             'Inland Empire', 
             'Wild at Heart')
grepl('e$', strings)

We will learn more about regex later in this course. But the previous example illustrates something more than the usage of grepl() to check for character sequences in R. Pay attention, please: we have defined a new character vector, strings, with three elements: 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'Inland Empire', and 'Wild at Heart'. We have called grepl() like this: grepl('e$', strings) to ask if any of the strings in strings matches the e$ regex (and e$ asks: does it end with 'e'?). R responded by a vector of logicals: FALSE TRUE FALSE, and the length of the output vector is 3 - exactly as the length of the input string strings. In other words, grepl() is a vectorized function: it can be applied to a vector of elements, and will compute what it does on each element, pack its results back in another vector and serve them in that form! Many R functions are vectorized, and this is one the most powerful features of this beautiful programming language. We will also learn much more about vector programming and code vectorization with R in our future sessions.

A glimpse of vectorization only, the essential feature of R - which is a member of the class of vector languages or vector programming languages:

someVector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
someVector + 10
## [1] 11 12 13 14 15
## [1]  1  4  9 16 25
someVector %% 2 == 0

2.4 read.csv() from the Internet

Oh, one more thing. Remember that listings live on the Internet: here. If you browse to that Inside Airbnb page and copy (right click!) the listings.csv link location - in the time of writing of this Notebook - you can obtain it from read.csv() in R like this:

urlData <- ''
listingsOnline <- read.csv(URLencode(urlData), 
                           header = T, 
                           check.names = F, 
                           stringsAsFactors = F)
##      id                                              name host_id     host_name neighbourhood_group
## 1  2818         Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast Wi-Fi    3159        Daniel                  NA
## 2 27886 Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district   97647          Flip                  NA
## 3 28871                           Comfortable double room  124245         Edwin                  NA
## 4 29051                           Comfortable single room  124245         Edwin                  NA
## 5 44391   Quiet 2-bedroom Amsterdam city centre apartment  194779           Jan                  NA
## 6 48373               Cozy family home in Amsterdam South  220434 Vesna & Misha                  NA
##                            neighbourhood latitude longitude       room_type price minimum_nights
## 1 Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt 52.36435   4.94358    Private room    83              3
## 2                           Centrum-West 52.38761   4.89188    Private room   155              3
## 3                           Centrum-West 52.36775   4.89092    Private room    79              2
## 4                           Centrum-Oost 52.36584   4.89111    Private room    59              2
## 5                           Centrum-Oost 52.37168   4.91471 Entire home/apt    NA              3
## 6                 Buitenveldert - Zuidas 52.32781   4.87680 Entire home/apt    NA              3
##   number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
## 1               389  2024-08-31              2.07                              1              105
## 2               279  2024-09-03              1.81                              1              193
## 3               638  2024-09-03              3.73                              2               74
## 4               761  2024-09-04              4.64                              2               91
## 5                42  2022-08-20              0.25                              1                0
## 6                 5  2024-04-28              0.36                              1                0
##   number_of_reviews_ltm                  license
## 1                    35 0363 5F3A 5684 6750 D14D
## 2                    18 0363 974D 4986 7411 88D8
## 3                   100 0363 607B EA74 0BD8 2F6F
## 4                    84 0363 607B EA74 0BD8 2F6F
## 5                     0 0363 E76E F06A C1DD 172C
## 6                     4 0363 4A2B A6AD 0196 F684

The URLencode() function takes care of the percent-encoding of characters in the URLs. Never forget to use it when you need an online file. There are better solutions to this than the base R URLencode() function (see: urltools package), but the base solution will do nicely as well - or at least in the beginning of your work in Data Science.

Now we have a copy of listings


Only our second session and we can already read data from the local filesystem, Microsoft Excel, and the Internet!

2.5 Subsetting data frames in base R: some principles

Ok, back to data.frame. Here are some principles of data frame subsetting in R:

3. More fun with listings, some other data frames + basic visualizations w. {ggplot2}

It is time: star doing analytics with listings!

We first provide a concise overview of what is found in this dataset. Let’s see:

## 'data.frame':    18522 obs. of  16 variables:
##  $ id                            : int  2818 20168 25428 27886 28871 29051 31080 41125 43109 43980 ...
##  $ name                          : chr  "Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi" "Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1" "Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan" "Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district" ...
##  $ host_id                       : int  3159 59484 56142 97647 124245 124245 133488 178515 188098 65041 ...
##  $ host_name                     : chr  "Daniel" "Alexander" "Joan" "Flip" ...
##  $ neighbourhood_group           : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ neighbourhood                 : chr  "Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt" "Centrum-Oost" "Centrum-West" "Centrum-West" ...
##  $ latitude                      : num  52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 ...
##  $ longitude                     : num  4.94 4.89 4.88 4.89 4.89 ...
##  $ room_type                     : chr  "Private room" "Private room" "Entire home/apt" "Private room" ...
##  $ price                         : int  59 236 125 135 75 55 219 160 211 67 ...
##  $ minimum_nights                : int  3 1 14 2 2 2 3 4 3 30 ...
##  $ number_of_reviews             : int  278 339 5 219 336 481 32 89 60 61 ...
##  $ last_review                   : chr  "2020-02-14" "2020-04-09" "2020-02-09" "2020-07-25" ...
##  $ reviews_per_month             : num  1.95 2.58 0.14 2.01 2.68 4.05 0.28 0.73 4.31 0.5 ...
##  $ calculated_host_listings_count: int  1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ availability_365              : int  123 3 33 219 346 360 0 0 0 184 ...


  • id is just some id of the listing,
  • name is (I guess, it’s Airbnb’s dataset) the title of the listing as it was advertised,
  • host_id is, obviously, the host id,
  • host_name is also self-explanatory,
  • neighbourhood_group has a lot of NA values, we will learn about NA soon,
  • neighbourhood seems to represent a particular neighbourhood of Amsterdam,
  • latitude and longitude are self-explanatory,
  • room_type - the room type,
  • price - we do not know the units, say EUR,
  • minimun_nights - the minimum nights for a stay in this property,
  • number_of_reviews - how many reviews did a particular listing receive,
  • last_review - the timestamp of the latest review for this listing, YYYY-MM-DD format,
  • last_review - how many reviews were received for this listing,
  • reviews_per_month - how many reviews per month, we do not know the time frame across which was this measure aggregated,
  • calculated_host_listings_count - I have no idea what this is, we will do some research on this later, and finally
  • availability_365 - how many days in a years is this available.

3.1 Play for real: a deep dive into listings!

Ok. First, I would like to learn more about the calculated_host_listings_count column, which I did not understand immediately. I have an intuition about it: it could be the number of different listings with the same host_id/host_name.

Step 0: reload listings.csv

filename <- paste0(dataDir, 'listings.csv')
listings <- read.csv(file = filename, 
                    header = T, 
                    check.names = F,
                    stringsAsFactors = F)
## 'data.frame':    18522 obs. of  16 variables:
##  $ id                            : int  2818 20168 25428 27886 28871 29051 31080 41125 43109 43980 ...
##  $ name                          : chr  "Quiet Garden View Room & Super Fast WiFi" "Studio with private bathroom in the centre 1" "Lovely apt in City Centre (w.lift) near Jordaan" "Romantic, stylish B&B houseboat in canal district" ...
##  $ host_id                       : int  3159 59484 56142 97647 124245 124245 133488 178515 188098 65041 ...
##  $ host_name                     : chr  "Daniel" "Alexander" "Joan" "Flip" ...
##  $ neighbourhood_group           : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ neighbourhood                 : chr  "Oostelijk Havengebied - Indische Buurt" "Centrum-Oost" "Centrum-West" "Centrum-West" ...
##  $ latitude                      : num  52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 52.4 ...
##  $ longitude                     : num  4.94 4.89 4.88 4.89 4.89 ...
##  $ room_type                     : chr  "Private room" "Private room" "Entire home/apt" "Private room" ...
##  $ price                         : int  59 236 125 135 75 55 219 160 211 67 ...
##  $ minimum_nights                : int  3 1 14 2 2 2 3 4 3 30 ...
##  $ number_of_reviews             : int  278 339 5 219 336 481 32 89 60 61 ...
##  $ last_review                   : chr  "2020-02-14" "2020-04-09" "2020-02-09" "2020-07-25" ...
##  $ reviews_per_month             : num  1.95 2.58 0.14 2.01 2.68 4.05 0.28 0.73 4.31 0.5 ...
##  $ calculated_host_listings_count: int  1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ availability_365              : int  123 3 33 219 346 360 0 0 0 184 ...

Step 1: ask R how many unique host_id values there are in the dataset:

num_hosts <- length(unique(listings$host_id))
## [1] 16033

The unique() function: you will be using it every now and then. It’s easy: if vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7) is a vector, unique(vec) is c(1, 2, 3, 5, 7), look:

vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7)
## [1] 1 2 3 5 7

Step 2: ask R to count how many different listings there are per unique host_id.

num_host_listings <- table(listings$host_id)
head(num_host_listings, 50)
##   3159   3592   7924  12085  30390  47517  49851  56142  58458  59484  61977  62341  62658  65041 
##      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      2      1      1      1      2 
##  72890  77950  81046  92194  92253  96492  97647  98297  98647  98844 109257 111635 113034 124245 
##      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      2 
## 125667 126790 127938 133488 142145 149649 158271 166264 169567 178515 178521 179452 185619 185836 
##      2      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
## 186729 187728 188073 188098 190897 194523 195126 195537 
##      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1

The table() function is your tool to obtain the frequency distribution of a variable in R. It’s easy: if vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7) is a vector, table(vec) is:

vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7)
## vec
## 1 2 3 5 7 
## 1 1 1 2 3

What is the class() of the output of table()?

## [1] "table"

Yes, R has a plenty of specific types, and sometimes - and maybe most of the time - it is handy to turn them all into data frames:

freqHosts <-$host_id), 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##    Var1 Freq
## 1  3159    1
## 2  3592    1
## 3  7924    1
## 4 12085    1
## 5 30390    1
## 6 47517    1

The Var1 represents the host_id from the listings data frame, while Freq is its frequency: how many times does the respective value of Var1 appear in the listings data.frame?

One check:

dim(freqHosts)[1] == num_hosts
## [1] TRUE

Of course, it has to be! So dim(x) where x is a data.frame returns a vector of length two, of which the first element is the number of rows in x and the second the number of columns in x. In a frequency distribution, every particular value of a discrete variables occurs only once, so of course that dim(freqHosts)[1] == num_hosts must evaluate to T.

Now, if my intuition that calculated_host_listings_count column stands for the number of different listings with the same host_id/host_name, then its values must be the same as those that I have produced by table() in freqHosts. How do we test this hypothesis?

Step 3. Extract only host_id and calculated_host_listings_count from listings; if I am right, there will be duplicated values in this selection:

testHosts <- listings[ , c('host_id', 'calculated_host_listings_count')]
##   host_id calculated_host_listings_count
## 1    3159                              1
## 2   59484                              2
## 3   56142                              1
## 4   97647                              1
## 5  124245                              2
## 6  124245                              2

Ok, now: are there any duplicated rows present?

d <- duplicated(testHosts)
## d
## 16033  2489

Of course there are, but the result most probably does not mean too much at this point. Step by step, the duplicated() function R returns a logical vector (TRUE or FALSE):

vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7)

Note how each first appearance of an element in a vector receives FALSE - because it is not duplicated - while every subsequent appearance of the same element receives TRUE - because it is duplicated. duplicated() works for data frames too, in which case it looks at all the values across all of the rows and returns as many logicals as there are rows following the same logic: first apperance is marked as FALSE and then all repetitions are marked as TRUE:

d <- duplicated(testHosts)

So, what happened when I did table(d) is that R has counted how many duplicates (TRUE) there were in testHosts:

## d
## 16033  2489

There are 2489 duplicated values. Interesting enough, I can use the logical vector that duplicated() outputs to clean up my testHosts data frame from duplicated entries in this way:

## [1] 18522     2
testHosts <- testHosts[!duplicated(testHosts), ]

## [1] 16033     2

to keep only the 16033 rows that were never repeated.

We get back to the hypothesis: calculated_host_listings_count column stands for the number of different listings with the same host_id/host_name. If this is true, than the frequency counts in freqHosts$Freq must be the same, across the host_id values, as the values found in testHosts$calculated_host_listings_count, correct? How do we proceed to find out?

What do we have are two data frames:

##    Var1 Freq
## 1  3159    1
## 2  3592    1
## 3  7924    1
## 4 12085    1
## 5 30390    1
## 6 47517    1

and the de-duplicated testHosts:

##   host_id calculated_host_listings_count
## 1    3159                              1
## 2   59484                              2
## 3   56142                              1
## 4   97647                              1
## 5  124245                              2
## 7  133488                              1

and do not forget that we know that Var1 in freqHosts encompasses the same values of host_id from listings as testHosts$host_id. I would know like to put freqHosts and testHosts side by side and inspect if the values of freqHosts$Var1 and testHosts$host_id are really the same.

Check one thing first:

## [1] 16033     2
## [1] 16033     2

Of course. But the order of Var1 in freqHosts and host_id in testHosts does not seem to be the same. Let’s fix that by using order(). How does it work?

someDataFrame <- data.frame(someNum = c(5, 9, 1, 3, 4, 10), 
                            someChar = c ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'), 
                            stringsAsFactors = F)
##   someNum someChar
## 1       5        a
## 2       9        b
## 3       1        c
## 4       3        d
## 5       4        e
## 6      10        f


someDataFrame[order(someDataFrame$someNum), ]
##   someNum someChar
## 3       1        c
## 4       3        d
## 5       4        e
## 1       5        a
## 2       9        b
## 6      10        f

Take a look at the following:

vec <- c(5, 9, 1, 3, 4, 10)
## [1] 3 4 5 1 2 6


vec <- c(5, 9, 1, 3, 4, 10)
## [1]  1  3  4  5  9 10

So, the output of order() tells us the following: which element of a vector (by position) should be placed where in order to have the original vector sorted out. This is why

someDataFrame[order(someDataFrame$someNum), ]
##   someNum someChar
## 3       1        c
## 4       3        d
## 5       4        e
## 1       5        a
## 2       9        b
## 6      10        f

works: order(someDataFrame$someNum) returns an ordering of rows such that the data frame is sorted by someNum.

We now sort freqHosts and testHosts so that all host_id values are aligned (remember, Var1 in freqHosts represents hosts_id in testHosts). Before we do that, take a look at the following:

## 'data.frame':    16033 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ Var1: chr  "3159" "3592" "7924" "12085" ...
##  $ Freq: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
## 'data.frame':    16033 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ host_id                       : int  3159 59484 56142 97647 124245 133488 178515 188098 65041 187728 ...
##  $ calculated_host_listings_count: int  1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ...

What I do not like is that Var1in freqHosts is a character, while host_id in testHosts is a numeric. Fix:

freqHosts$Var1 <- as.numeric(freqHosts$Var1)
## 'data.frame':    16033 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ Var1: num  3159 3592 7924 12085 30390 ...
##  $ Freq: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...

Ok, sort freqHosts by Var1:

freqHosts <- freqHosts[order(freqHosts$Var1), ]
head(freqHosts, 10)
##     Var1 Freq
## 1   3159    1
## 2   3592    1
## 3   7924    1
## 4  12085    1
## 5  30390    1
## 6  47517    1
## 7  49851    1
## 8  56142    1
## 9  58458    1
## 10 59484    2

and sort testHosts by host_id:

testHosts <- testHosts[order(testHosts$host_id), ]
head(testHosts, 10)
##       host_id calculated_host_listings_count
## 1        3159                              1
## 15914    3592                              1
## 9837     7924                              1
## 9176    12085                              1
## 1579    30390                              1
## 1405    47517                              1
## 10848   49851                              1
## 3       56142                              1
## 63      58458                              1
## 2       59484                              2

Now the two data frames should be nicely aligned. Let’s put them side by side in a new data frame:

testDataFrame <- cbind(freqHosts, testHosts)
head(testDataFrame, 40)
##      Var1 Freq host_id calculated_host_listings_count
## 1    3159    1    3159                              1
## 2    3592    1    3592                              1
## 3    7924    1    7924                              1
## 4   12085    1   12085                              1
## 5   30390    1   30390                              1
## 6   47517    1   47517                              1
## 7   49851    1   49851                              1
## 8   56142    1   56142                              1
## 9   58458    1   58458                              1
## 10  59484    2   59484                              2
## 11  61977    1   61977                              1
## 12  62341    1   62341                              1
## 13  62658    1   62658                              1
## 14  65041    2   65041                              2
## 15  72890    1   72890                              1
## 16  77950    1   77950                              1
## 17  81046    1   81046                              1
## 18  92194    1   92194                              1
## 19  92253    1   92253                              1
## 20  96492    1   96492                              1
## 21  97647    1   97647                              1
## 22  98297    1   98297                              1
## 23  98647    1   98647                              1
## 24  98844    1   98844                              1
## 25 109257    1  109257                              1
## 26 111635    1  111635                              1
## 27 113034    1  113034                              1
## 28 124245    2  124245                              2
## 29 125667    2  125667                              2
## 30 126790    1  126790                              1
## 31 127938    1  127938                              1
## 32 133488    1  133488                              1
## 33 142145    1  142145                              1
## 34 149649    1  149649                              1
## 35 158271    1  158271                              1
## 36 166264    1  166264                              1
## 37 169567    1  169567                              1
## 38 178515    1  178515                              1
## 39 178521    1  178521                              1
## 40 179452    1  179452                              1

Are the two data frames perfectly aligned? To find out we ask how many matches there are between testDataFrame$Var1 and testDataFrame$host_id:

sum(testDataFrame$Var1 == testDataFrame$host_id)
## [1] 16033

A new R function: sum(). This is how it works:

sum(c(5, 6))
## [1] 11

But also:

## [1] 3

sum() across logical vectors in R: TRUE counts as 1, FALSE counts as 0. So if we derive an index vector, say something indicating the number of matches of some kind, sum() can help us find out how many times a match was successful.

Also, the data frames should match in all positions, so dim(testDataFrame)[1] - the number of rows in testDataFrame should be the same:

## [1] 16033

Ok, they match. Are the values in Freq and calculated_host_listings_count really the same?

sum(testDataFrame$Freq == testDataFrame$calculated_host_listings_count)
## [1] 16033

Yes, the values in testDataFrame$calculated_host_listings_count and testDataFrame$Freq match perfectly, so our hypothesis about the structure of the listings data set holds!

At this point you might ask yourself: is it possible that we need to invest all this work just to figure out the meaning of one single column in a data frame? The answer is: yes, and no. To consider the ‘no’ answer first: I am doing this intentionally, to provide an exercise, a training opportunity to you. In practice, there are many finer, more elaborated, and more comfortable ways to do exactly the same in R, and you will learn a lot about them in the future sessions. As of the ‘yes’ answer: we are dealing with a very small dataset here, a one encompassing barely 16K rows and several columns. In the wild, if you start applying Data Science in R or any other language in practice, the datasets that you will be facing will probably be orders of magnitude larger. Can you inspect by eye a dataset encompassing a few hundreds of millions of rows and say tens, or hundreds of columns? Well, no. And that is why you have to be prepared to invest serious work in understanding the structure of just any dataset at hand. It is hard, it is tedious, it takes a lot of patientce, and it certainly makes Data Science less than the most sexiest profession of the 21st century.

3.2 Play for real: simple analytics & visualizations of listings!

Q1. What is the distribution of room_type in listings? Let’s see and illustrate:

roomType <-$room_type))
colnames(roomType) <- c('room_type', 'frequency')
roomType <- roomType[order(roomType$frequency), ]
##         room_type frequency
## 4     Shared room        52
## 2      Hotel room       141
## 3    Private room      3896
## 1 Entire home/apt     14433

What if we want to place the most frequent room_type in the top?

roomType <- roomType[order(-roomType$frequency), ]
##         room_type frequency
## 1 Entire home/apt     14433
## 3    Private room      3896
## 2      Hotel room       141
## 4     Shared room        52

How many different room_type values do we observe?

roomTypes <-$room_type))
colnames(roomTypes) <- c('room_type', 'count')
##         room_type count
## 1 Entire home/apt 14433
## 2      Hotel room   141
## 3    Private room  3896
## 4     Shared room    52

Ok, four only. Visualize this (note: we are jumping a bit ahead here, but there is a reason to it):

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3") +
  xlab('Room type') + 
  ylab('Count') +
  ggtitle('Room type distribution in Airbnb Listings') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank())

{ggplot2} is an industry standard R package for static data visualizations (in spite of the fact that you can produce interactive visualizations with {ggplot2}). Before the end of this session, I would like to begin analyzing the {ggplot2} code: we will be using so much of it in the future.

Observe the first part:

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count))

This produced nothing. Not really: it is an empty plot, but it does have the horizontal (x) axis as well as the vertical (Y) axis defined. The ggplot() function asks for a data argument: the data.frame encompassing the data that we want to visualize. A call to another function, aes(), is made inside of ggplot(), defining the x and y arguments: what goes on the horizontal and vertical axes of the plot. Note: when using {ggplot2}, once the dataset is determined in the data argument of ggplot() there is no need to make a reference to it in aes() or elsewhere: we can make references to its columns directly, as we did in aes(x = room_type, y = count).

What happens after the first + in the code?

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3")

The addition of geom_bar() adds a layer to the {ggplot2} plot. Any {ggplot2} visualization is produced in this way:

  • first define the data and the mapping of variables in aes() in a ggplot() call, then
  • add layers by using an appropriate geom, like geom_bar() in this example, and
  • style the plot by adding additional layers such as ggtitle() or theme().

Note how geom_bar() also has arguments that help style the plot, e.g. fill = "cadetblue3" which picked cadetblue3 as the fill color for the bar plot. More on colors in R: colors in R.

What happens next is the introduction of the x and y labels to the plot, as well as the plot title:

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3") +
  xlab('Room type') + 
  ylab('Count') +
  ggtitle('Room type distribution in Airbnb Listings')

Finally we chose to strip some default settings by using theme_bw() and style the plot by removing the panel.border in an additional theme() call: theme(panel.border = element_blank()):

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3") +
  xlab('Room type') + 
  ylab('Count') +
  ggtitle('Room type distribution in Airbnb Listings') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank())

theme() is used to access the details of a {ggplot2} plot; for example, center the plot title:

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3") +
  xlab('Room type') + 
  ylab('Count') +
  ggtitle('Room type distribution in Airbnb Listings') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank()) + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

or control the behavior of the axes:

ggplot(data = roomTypes, 
       aes(x = room_type, y = count)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill = "cadetblue3") +
  xlab('Room type') + 
  ylab('Count') +
  ggtitle('Room type distribution in Airbnb Listings') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank()) + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 13))

There are so many nice tricks that can be pulled with {ggplot2}, you will see. At this point, it is important to remember the following:

  • the plot is defined by the data argument in the ggplot() call, and
  • the mapping of the variables from the dataset onto the plot is defined by an aes() call inside the ggplot() call;
  • additional layers are added with +, while various geom things define the type of the plot (bar plot, in our example; we will soon learn about line plots, scatter plots, density plots, etc); finally,
  • there are ways to style the plot additionally, most of which rely on various theme() function calls.

R Markdown

R Markdown is what I have used to produce this beautiful Notebook. We will learn more about it near the end of the course, but if you already feel ready to dive deep, here’s a book: R Markdown: The Definitive Guide, Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemunds.


  • E1. Produce a new column in listings: listings$endsIn_e. The type of the column should be logical (i.e. TRUE, FALSE): TRUE if host_name ends with e, FALSE otherwise. Hint: grepl(), and remember that grepl() is vectorized.

  • E2. Use table() so to produce a neighbourhood X room_type two-way contingency table and turn it into a data.frame.

  • E3. Reproduce the following chart with {gplot2} by relying on the code presented in this session + ggplot2 documentation + Hadley’s book + steal code from Stack Overflow… whatever, just try to reproduce it. Hints. In aes(), you need to define group =, and fill =; the density plot in {ggplot2} is produced by geom_density() which has an alpha = argument to set for color transparency; natural logarithm in R is log() (and then there is log10() too).

## Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range (`stat_density()`).

  • E5. Compute the average number_of_reviews by neighbourhood in listings. Hint: use mean(), very similar to sum(). Put the results in the data.frame with the columns named neighbourhood and average_reviews.

  • E6. What are the top five listings in listings with the best price per night ratio?

  • E7. What is the average price per night ratio across the neighborhoods in listings?

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Data Kolektiv, 2004, Belgrade.